Friday 18 May 2012

Context Sheet.

Here I have collated some of the key inspirations and ideas that have lead to my final design visualisation. Showing colour ideas, fabric samples before being dyed or printed, artists/designer inspirations, layers of drawings that lead to the idea of layers of fabric, hanging samples, and also some close ups of the marks on the samples. This context sheet sums up the visual inspirations for my project.

Final Visualization

Visualizing my work proved to be more difficult to convey than i first assumed. My initial attempts on photo shop didn't give the impression of draping fabric that I felt was an important element of my design. Thus, I instead printed out an artists interpretation of the Cafe area of the New School and hand painted my design loosely with water colours. I think this has worked successfully. I wanted the fabric to be draped from above, mimicing the shapes in Gothic Vaulting and the Gothic Arch. my first attempt (left) didn't translate this effectively enough; I decided the fabric should hang from one point on the ceiling, rather than several. My final visualization (right) works much better; suggesting weight in the fabric and translating, far more effectively, the shapes and forms of Gothic Architecture.

Final image

Layering my best samples for my final 'strong images' works successfully. I like the 'reveal and conceal' effect the laser cut leaves gives.

 These 3 images were my initial options for my 'strong image', however, I decided they weren't interesting enough and didn't do my detailed prints justice - I also felt thet needed a good iron!

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Final Image.

One Strong Image - to try and portray the different layers and textures to the fabric. Details are not crystal clear here, but are still visible, and I think it’s more important to get a feel for the piece as a whole than for individual aspects of one sample.

Final Design Visualisation

Final Digital Visualisation - building drawn in Illustrator using Vectors. Showing a hanging space underneath the lanters, allowing light to shine down and through the translucent materials.

Design Visualisation Experiments

Experimenting with different locations for my design proposal. I used both the artist impression images and also drew out my own space using vectors on Illustrator.

I think that there might be too many distractions in the artists impression proposals; your attention is not initially on the piece of work. So I think I will go with a vector design...

Gothic Vaulting

Thinking about my design proposal - I am keen to translate the organic shapes of Gothic Vaulting into the draping of my printed fabrics. The Town Hall's traditional Gothic Arch becoming something contemporary with movement and pattern in the New School.